The Company, during the year, has not entered into any transactions of material nature with the Directors that may have any potential conflict with the interest of the Company . No penalties, restrictions have been imposed on the Company by the Stock Exchanges or SEBI on any matter related to capital market during the last three years.
Board Meetings:
The Board meets at least once in a quarter i.e. at least four times in a year, focusing on strategy formulation, policy and control, delegation of powers and dealing with specific issues with a view to maximizing the Company's net worth and value to the shareholders. The Board considers and reviews the performance of the company, from time to time, and has access to all information on the Company.
Board Committees:
To enable better and more focussed attention on the affairs of the Company, the Board delegates particular matters to the committee of the Board set for the purpose.
Audit Committee:
In conformity with the Stock Exchanges listing requirements, the Company has constituted the Audit Committee. The terms of reference to the Audit Committee include the approving and implementing of audit procedures, reviewing financial statements, internal audit/internal control systems and procedures and ensuring timely compliance with the statutory guidelines. Meetings of the Audit Committee are scheduled well in advance. The Committee reviews the reports of statutory auditors and internal auditors and considers their findings, suggestion etc. and undertake the necessary actions thereon.
Shareholders' / Investor Grievances Committee:
Stakeholders relationship Committee considers and approves transfer and transmission of shares, issue of duplicate share certificates and all shares related issues. The Committee specifically attends the Shareholders' and Investors' complaints and ensure prompt redressal of their grievances. In its continued efforts to provide better investor services, the Company has signed tripartite agreement with both the Depositories namely National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. (CDSL) to establish electronic connectivity to provide demat services to the Company.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee:
The terms of reference of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee include review and recommendation to the board of directors of the remuneration paid to the directors.
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee:
The Committee has been constituted keeping in mind the Company’s business ethics and to comply with the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014.The Committee shall hold meeting as and when required, to discuss various issues on implementation of the CSR Policy of the Company.
CSR Activity for FY 2020-21
CSR Details for FY 2021-22
CSR Details for FY 2022-23
CSR Details for FY 2023-24
Composition Committee:
Please CLICK HERE to refer Composition Committe.
Resignation letter of Mr. Dhruv Kaji CLICK HERE to refer.
Resignation letter of Mr. Shreyas Mehta CLICK HERE to refer.
Resignation letter of Mr. Girish R Satakar CLICK HERE to refer.
Draft Appointment letter of Independent Director :CLICK HERE to refer.
Draft Set of Articles of Associations :CLICK HERE to refer.